A new coloring contest!
Operation: Death March begins with a ZomBean coloring contest!
The more people who play along, the better the prizes, so make sure to share it with your friends and random strangers you find trapped in wells.
Get your copy of the ZomBean of Death coloring page at http://bit.ly/deathbean
The voting period for this contest will be March 10th to 15th, 4pm CST.
Here are the prizes based on the number of people who enter the contest:
1-50: Choose a Coloring Book or Journal from Studio Moonfall
51-99: Choose a T-Shirt from Studio Moonfall
100+: ZomBean Plushie!
Bonus! If we hit 100 entries this time, we’ll unlock the mysterious Level 2 contest with even more prizes.
How to enter:
Print and Color the contest creature and bring it to Studio Moonfall. We’ll take a picture of your masterpiece and add it to the Studio Moonfall Facebook page during the voting period for the contest. Whichever picture gets the most Likes wins so you’ll want to get plenty of friends involved.
To stay up to date, click here to join the event on Facebook!