Anne Morse Hambrock is coming to Studio Moonfall’s Kenosha Book Festival 2024 on June 23rd & July 28th!
Since childhood, Anne’s parents steeped her in a soup of classic comedy influences, producing a daughter who would have almost no choice but to view life through a lens of laughter.
She has been writing silly things in a variety of forms since 2006, wearing a dizzying array of hats:
Poet/Cartoonist: “Anne & God: Conversations With The Infinite”
Blogger: “Anne The Passive Aggressive Poet” and “Overbooked & Underpaid: Notes From A Yes-a-holic”
Contributing gag writer: “The Brilliant Mind Of Edison Lee” newspaper comic strip syndicated worldwide by King Features
Columnist: Humor columns for The Kenosha News
Anne’s current passion project is her one-woman-show which combines her comic poems with stories from her hapless life and her original jazz/fusion/celtic/world music for harp and synthesizer.
Her lighthearted exchanges with whatever is steering us through the universe have been gathered into two book collections: “Some Days Call For Chocolate and Other Pick-Me-Up Poems” and the forthcoming “Dear God, Did I Say That Out Loud?”.
The best way to read her current work is to subscribe to her substack “Anne The Passive Aggressive Poet”. The newsletter is totally free – no ads, no spam – just a chance to read some stuff that might make you feel better. If you are into that sort of thing.
Here’s a sneak peek at their book Some Days Call for Chocolate:
Sometimes funny, sometimes inspirational, always true, this first book collection of Anne’s conversations with unnamed supreme being is a perfect way to brighten your day.
If you can’t wait until you meet the author at this summer’s Kenosha Book Festival, pick up your copy at https://annemorsehambrock.net/product/some-days-call-for-chocolate-book
Stop by Studio Moonfall for more books by local authors and my friends from the indie publishing world, visit https://bookshop.org/shop/studiomoonfall to shop online, or https://www.libro.fm/business?bookstore=studiomoonfall for audiobooks.