Here’s this week’s roundup!
With this bunch, we’ve reached 266 free coloring pages since March. Holy moly. I hope your crayon box is getting all its proper refills.
This week, we’re wrapping up the Color of Kenosha: Winter Wonders printables so I’ve got to figure out what’s next.
Next month will be a Patreon-exclusive coloring book (for fans of a galaxy far, far away) so not all of those will be printables. Or maybe they will. Been busy. Haven’t thought much about it.
But we do have the sequel to A Coloring Book of Weird Ideas on its way so I’ve got some coming up for that. Also have the second Coloring Book of Madness in the works. Geez. I suppose there will be plenty to keep us all busy.
If you haven’t yet, check out the Ghoulie Squad tier on Patreon to get monthly stickers and coloring books. That’s what keeps this party going!
Happy coloring,